Customizing Your Quarto Website

a blog journey

Patrick D. Mobley


February 25, 2023

Whether you’re new to Quarto or recently migrated from Fastpages to Quarto, you might be wondering how to customize your new Quarto website. While Quarto provides more flexibility and control over formatting and content, it can take some time to get familiar with the system and make it your own.

In this blog post, I will share some tips and tricks that I’ve discovered to help you customize your Quarto website and improve its functionality and engagement.

Most of this information is covered well within the Quarto Guide or Reference material. That said, in many cases I provide addition examples or screenshots. I also spent the time searching and organizing so that you can save time and get the information you need right here.

Choosing a template

You can change the site template and choose from many options. Plus, it’s very easy. You can even create your own, however this will require some html and css knowledge.

Within the _quarto.yml, you just specify a different theme:

    theme: lux   
    # Here are some bootstrap theme options:
    #   default, cerulean, cosmo, cyborg, darkly, flatly, journal, 
    #   litera, lumen, lux, materia, minty, morph, pulse, quartz,
    #   sandstone, simplex, sketchy, slate, solar, spacelab, superhero,
    #   united, vapor, yeti, zephyr
    css: styles.css

Check out the Quarto documentation for more information.

Adding top navigation to your website

Adding different sections is great for separating content into logical groups—making content more easily searchable. For instance, I post shorter, less instructional content into “Posts” and longer more educational content into “Tutorials”. Later on I might make a “Talks” page for presentations I give, or a “Projects” page for running/hosted examples of my work.

Adding this top level navigation is really easy and well documented in the guide. If you want to display multiple paginated lists on your landing page, you can edit these by changing the listings layout. On my website, I did this to have multiple “Recent” listings in a grid layout to minimize scrolling to view content.

You can define this within the _quarto.yml file. Here is my top navigation yml within the navbar property:

      - text: Home
        href: index.qmd
      - text: Posts
        href: posts/index.qmd
      - text: Tutorials
        href: tutorials/index.qmd
      - text: Book Reviews
        href: books/index.qmd
      - about.qmd

Changing the listings layout

The content (post, article, tutorial, project, review, etc.) can be organized within different listings on any page. There are three different listing types: default, table, and grid. You might want to change the type for various reasons. For instance, I used a grid type on my Home page to decrease mouse scrolling and showcase more of my work in a standard monitor. On my Book Reviews page, I used a table type to fit more posts on the page.

To add listings to a page, you’ll need to edit the yml and create a listing block where you want the list to render. Here is an example of the a yml for my posts listing:

  - id: posts
      - "*/index.qmd"
      - "*/"
      - "*/index.ipynb"
    sort: "date desc"
    type: default
    categories: true
    sort-ui: false
    filter-ui: false
    fields: [image, date, title, reading-time, description]

To include multiple file types, you can include a list within the contents property. I would not use wildcards (*) to define multiple file types since I have noticed that they interfere with the listings when publishing the website. To render the list, you’ll need to include a reference with the id in the document:

::: {#posts}

To get the “reading-time”, I had to add reading-time: true to the _metadata.yml file within the current directory. Once there, if specified in the listings field property, it will show up on the site.

Embedding presentations

Let’s say you’ve given some great talks and want share them on your website. I’ve seen many people use downloadable links or they write companion tutorials (like I did in Missing Data Modeled) to share content. But a link just doesn’t do justice to the presentation and rewriting content takes a lot of work. Thankfully, there’s a better way. You can use .qmd to create an html Revealjs presentation and embed this within a post. Using the Revealjs format, you can even include all of your talking points in the notes.

  1. Create a blank post
  2. Add content into the same directory as the blank post
  • If you’ve already created your presentation and have a stand-alone file, include this file in the directory
  • If not, create a presentation using Revealjs within a .qmd file

I’ve only tested html presentations, so I’m not sure if other formats like .pptx will display.

  1. Add resource to yml header. This ensures when building the site to include the presentation file.
title: "My presentation post page"
  1. Add the following html to your blank post:
<p align="center">
  <iframe width="400" height="400" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" 
  Fallback text here for unsupporting browsers, of which there are scant few.

Now, you’ve got a working presentation within your site. Users can make it go full screen, download, or export as a PDF using the menu bar. It should look something like this:

If you’re looking for a presentation to inspire, check out the Quarto Reporting presentation. The author, Tom Mock utilizes a variety of features to deliver a truly great presentation.

Embedding videos

Adding videos to your site is really easy as explained here. Basically, you use the {{< video >}} shortcode on your page. For example:

{{< video >}}

Custom CSS buttons

And of course if you want to customize anything, knowledge of web development will help you out. I added a “See All” button by the pagination page-links using the following code:

## Recent Posts

::: {#posts}

<a href="../posts/index.html"> 
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary float-end btn-sm">See all        

Unfortunately, the button was mis-aligned with the pagination page-links so adding the following to the styles.css solve the problem.

.btn-primary:hover {
    color: #000;
    background-color: #f0f1ff;
    border-color: #f0f1ff;
    padding: .375rem .75rem;
    font-size: .8rem !important;
    margin-top: -9px;
.btn-primary {
padding: .375rem .75rem;
font-size: .8rem !important;
margin-top: -9px;


If you just want a simple favicon with your initials check out You can also upload images with your logo, and it will resize them appropriate for favicon use. To use, just create a reference (ex: favicon: favicon-32x32.png) to it within your _quarto.yml file under the website property. You can see more here.

Logo branding

If you want, you can also use a logo instead of text on your website header. I used Excalidraw to create my website icon and included it by changing the navbar property within the _quarto.yml file:

    logo: name.png
    logo-alt: "somename"
    title: false

Navbar with title

Navbar with logo

Initially, the navbar logo was super tiny. So I had to adjust some css within the styles.css file:

.navbar-logo {
  height: 4em !important;
  max-width: unset !important;
  max-height: unset !important;

The Quarto website itself does this through a similar mechanism.


One feature that many bloggers find helpful is the ability to allow comments on their posts. This not only allows readers to share their thoughts and engage with the content, but also provides valuable feedback for the blogger.

To add comments to your Quarto blog, you can use the Giscus or Utterances commenting systems. These systems use GitHub to store comments, so you’ll need to have a GitHub account and create a repository for your blog. I prefer Giscus because it stores the comments in the discussion section of the repository which I think is cleaner. Utterances also performs well, however stores the comments in repository issues.


  1. Go the the commenting system url: Giscus or Utterances
  2. Follow their setup directions
  3. Type in the name of your username/repo

      Entering your username/repo here will populate the repo-id and other fields after selecting the your preferred options.

  1. Select a Category. Quarto recommends using the Announcements category in their directions.

  2. Copy the script output into your _quarto.yml file within the website property name and strip the output of data-. It should look something like this:

      repo: patdmob/
      repo-id: R_kgDOI-xxx
      category: Announcements
      category-id: DIC_kwDOI-1YBs4CUxxx
      mapping: title
      reactions-enabled: true
      input-position: top
      theme: light_protanopia
      loading: lazy
  1. After completing these steps, you should have comments enabled on you website. It will even work locally when using the command quarto preview. To disable comments any page, just insert comments: false in the yml header of that page.

Subscription feature

At the time of writing this, I haven’t added a subscription feature. But many people have done it in a few different ways. Here are some resources if you want to include a subscription feature on your blog:


This is a really neat feature likely hailing from the C programming language. Basically, you can include references to other files throughout your document. The text/code in these other files will run as if it were in the main file.

I’ve used this feature a lot when making Rmarkdown reports in the past. It’s really useful to apply the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) of programming. So in a multi-post blog series, I could use the same starter code to load the data to for charts and tables within qmd files.

Another use case is for different document formats. For instance, you want to make a presentation and a post of the same content. Rather than storing the code in two places, you could store the code in these include files. When you need to update the code, the changes automatically update for both formats. While you might have more files, you’ll have fewer places to update code, leading to fewer corrections and potential mistakes.

To include a file, add the {{< include >}} shortcode at the location in your document where you want it included. Here’s an example of including the _content.qmd file within the document:

{{< include _content.qmd >}}

For more information about the include feature in Quarto checkout of the include documentation.


Here are a few Quarto blogs which have inspired me. I hope they can inspire you too!